Sunyield Technologies become a member of China Antenna System Industry Alliance

Homeindustry&customerSunyield Technologies become a member of China Antenna System Industry Alliance

In January 2017, Sunyield Technologies officially become a member of China Antenna System Industry Alliance after the Council of China Antenna System Industry Alliance discussed and passed the application. antenna-alliance

China Antenna System Industry Alliance, a specialized committee of communication antenna under antenna branch of China Institute of Electronics, is a social group initiated and established in the support and guidance of the national communication related policies and regulations, in accordance with the “voluntary, equality, and cooperation” principles. China Antenna System Industry Alliance is committed to coordinated development and jointly innovation of relevant enterprises and institutions, research organizations and investment institutions in research, development, manufacture, integration, test, service and operation of antenna system technology, product, business and application.

Member of the China Antenna System Industry Alliance includes universities, research institutes and enterprises such as Xi’an Electronic and Science University, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom, HUAWEI, ZTE, Datang Communication, the 7th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, the 54th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, Shenglu Telecom, Comba Telecom, Tongyu Communication, ASIX Electronics, CommScope, Rosenberger Asia Pacific, Sunwave, and GRENTECH. Major domestic antenna enterprises are members of the Alliance。

As a leading company in research and development of spherical near field testing and measurement system in China, Sunyield Technologies is the forerunner of antenna testing and measurement industry. Over the years, Sunyield Technologies is devoted to research and development of Chinese own world first class antenna measurement system. In 2016, Sunyield Technologies successfully broke the monopoly of foreign technology, and became the second company in the world to independently develop 128-probe near field antenna measurement system, and successfully developed the 168-probe near field antenna measurement system with best performance in the world.


The picture above is the 128-probe near field antenna measurement system independently developed by Sunyield Technologies


The picture above is the 168-probe near field antenna measurement system independently developed by Sunyield Technologies

Sunyield’s entry into the China Antenna System Industry Alliance has filled in the blank as the first member in the field of antenna measurement system and has drawn considerable attention in the industry. Sunyield Technologies will work together with other members of the China Antenna System Industry Alliance to promote the development of the entire antenna industry, so that China can become a worldwide industrial power in communication antenna system to create a high-quality communication network.
